Johanna Love

lebt und arbeitet in London


2018 – Artist in Residence, Druckvereinigung Bentlage

2007-2013 – PhD Research Degree, Chelsea College of Art & Design, London

2001-2005 – Fellow, The Royal Academy Schools, London

1999 – MA, Fine Art Printmaking, Camberwell College of Art, London

1996 – BA(Hons) 1st, Loughborough College of Art & Design


My current research examines the relationship between the process of drawing and the subject matter of dust. What drives my current work is a fascination with how dust – something considered most insubstantial – has the material power to generate larger questions. Through the subject matter of dust I can make work that considers human history and implies human experience.

I am currently collaborating with scientists at the National History Museum, London on a project that uses an electron microscope to examine dust gathered from my fathers childhood home in Hamburg, Germany, a city heavily bombed during World War II. This body of research examines how drawings of dust allow us to consider materiality, history and time through imagery manifested through the lens of science and through processes of drawing.